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HSLIC Receives an NNLM Grant to Work with Rural Public Libraries

by Deirdre Caparoso on 2024-07-23T13:05:03-06:00 | 0 Comments

The Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center (HSLIC) is excited to be the recipient of $9,234.00 in grant funding from the Network of the National Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) Region 4 to further HSLIC's work in New Mexico Public Libraries. 

HSLIC is the state’s only public academic health sciences library and strives to improve health and health equity for all New Mexicans.  HSLIC seeks to engage with diverse underserved populations through rural public libraries and connect library staff with the appropriate NLM/NNLM resources and training.

The project goal is as follows:

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center seeks to improve underserved communities’ access to health information by working with rural libraries to broaden knowledge of NNLM resources.  The following two objectives will be supported:

  • Engage with rural libraries interested in supporting their communities’ health information needs and provide library staff with the information and possible training needed to maximize use of MedlinePlus resources.
  • Provide rural library staff with information on earning MLA’s Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) certification on demand so that they can be better prepared to help library patrons access and interpret quality health information.

HSLIC is looking forward to working with both State and UNM agencies as part of this project and is grateful for the support provided by NNLM Region 4.

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