HSLIC Special Collections is thrilled to announce that Abbie Olivas (PI) recently received a grant from the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board (NMHRAB). The award will fully fund our project, Improving Collections Care in HSLIC Special Collections. This project consists of purchasing a much-needed new flat file case and acid-free folders to house oversized materials. These preservation supplies will allow us to correctly store current and future archival materials. Appropriate storage serves as a critical archival preservation strategy. The flat file case will protect our holdings from light, dirt, dust, damage due to improper housing and handling, pests, and other dangers.
According to NMHRAB, the purpose of their grant program "is to strengthen and support archival and records management programs in New Mexico. Grants are awarded to applicants who demonstrate need–financial and programmatic–and show commitment to solving problems associated with the preservation of and access to historical records.”
For more information about Special Collections, please visit our website and research guide.