Construction begins March 3rd on a new, single-occupant, universal restroom across from the vending machines on the library’s main floor. This publicly accessible restroom will be equipped with an accessible toilet; grab bars; accessible sink, soap, and paper towel dispenser; diaper changing station; and a motor-operated lift. At almost 10 feet square, the space will be large enough for motorized wheelchairs to maneuver around and for parents with small children. 

The project is expected to take 5-6 weeks, and we hope to have it open by the end of April. During construction, access to the women’s restroom across the hall will be through the hallway next to the student computing area, and there may be noise on the library's main floor and directly above the site. If you have questions about this project, please contact Sally Bowler-Hill, Manager of Administrative Operations ( 

site for new universal restroomarchitectural drawing of new universal restroom site