Initiated in 2004, BioMISS is a facilitated discussion series that provides the UNM and Health Sciences community with a forum for discussion on salient topics in biomedical informatics and fosters collaboration among those interested in the field. Each session consists of a short presentation and engaging discussion. BioMISS features an array of distinguished speakers to spark your interest in biomedical informatics. Since the pandemic, sessions have been virtual. As a result, we have had speakers from San Francisco, Austin, even Sweden!

This past season (September 2022-April 2023) invited speakers shared information about Scoping Reviews, An Inclusive Dermatology Database, the New Mexico Community Data Collaborative, Web Scraping, the Native Health Database, and HSC Citation Analysis. On tap for the fall are presentations about FAIR Data Sharing, Reproducibility Research, the UNM Data Repository, and updates from the UNM Hospital Chief Data Officer and from a researcher in the Translational Informatics Division.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Going virtual means that there are no space limitations and you can attend via Zoom. If you want to be on the invite mailing list, contact Brandon Carroll at

