March 21st marks World Down Syndrome Day and is part of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. The theme this year is End the Stereotypes. Stereotypes arise from lack of knowledge or experience with a group of people and are often reinforced by images in the media or cultural norms. People with Down Syndrome are increasingly vocal and visible, from campaigning to end the use of the R word, to appearing on film, television and runways. The video below speaks to assumptions people may have about those with Down syndrome and the effect of assumptions on people with disabilities.
Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. It is a natural occurrence, affecting about 1 in every 800 babies and has no known cause. This condition causes a range of intellectual and physical disabilities as well as associated medical issues.
UNM’s Center for Development and Disability’s Library is a wonderful resource for both providers and patients and their families to help locate services throughout the state and provide information on a wide variety of disabilities. Their Medical Home Portal has information for professionals and families.
HSLIC also has resources on Down syndrome which can be discovered through our wide range of databases and our print and ebook collections. Examples include: Bunt CW, Bunt SK. Medical Care for Adults With Down Syndrome: Guidelines From the Global Down Syndrome Foundation. Am Fam Physician. 2022 Apr 1;105(4):436-437. PMID: 35426638 and Rubin IL. Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. Springer International Publishing; 2016.
Inclusivity and equity are key HSLIC values. Through education and celebrating the abilities of all this March 21st we build and support our broader community.
Authored by Ingrid Hendrix (HSLIC's Division Head, Research, Education and Clinical Information Services); Emily Roberts (UNM CDD Library Services Coordinator) and Deirdre Caparoso (HSLIC's Outreach & Community Engagement Librarian)