This spring, HSLIC faculty members are offering two one-hour BIOM 505 special topics courses focusing on knowledge and skills for conducting reproducible, rigorous, and transparent scientific research. 

Photo of Prof. Leah Everitt
Photo of Prof. Melissa Rethlefsen
Photo of Pro. Danielle Maurici-Pollock

BIOM 505: Introduction to Research Data Management, taught by Prof. Danielle Maurici-Pollock will focus on managing scientific research data throughout the data lifecycle. Students will gain knowledge and hands-on experience in areas including data ethics, data sharing, and scientific data description, organization, preservation, and reuse, and will learn skills needed to successfully create and execute an effective research data management and sharing plan (DMSP), such as those now required by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for all funded research. 

BIOM 505: Rigor and Reproducibility Journal Club, taught by Profs. Melissa Rethlefsen and Leah Everitt is designed to increase students’ familiarity with current discussions on rigor and reproducibility in the biomedical and social sciences, build and improve oral presentation skills, and actively engage with the concepts of rigor, reproducibility, transparency, and open science through interactions with peers and robust and critical discussions. The course will introduce students to new and emerging ideas in scholarly communication that will prepare them for future careers in research Both courses are open to all interested graduate learners. 

For more information, contact Prof. Maurici-Pollock at or Prof. Rethlefsen at