HSLIC is happy to announce, we have licensed Elsevier’s ClinicalKey and it is now available.
ClinicalKey is a database designed to support healthcare professionals and learners with the latest evidence across specialties in a variety of formats, including full-text reference books and journals, point-of-care monographs, drug information, videos, practice guidelines, customized patient education handouts, clinical calculators and more.
ClinicalKey provides access to gold standard e-textbooks such as – Robbins Basic Pathology; Mandell, Douglas & Bennett’s Principles & Practices of Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology; Nelson Pediatric Symptom Based Diagnosis; and Medical Microbiology. As well as highly-used journals such as – American Family Physician, Emergency Medicine Clinics, and Infectious Disease Clinics. In all, there are over 1000 e-textbooks, and approximately 700 journals.
Users can access ClinicalKey by going to HSLIC’s database page, or by searching for resources in ClinicalKey through HSLIC’s instance of WorldCat Discovery.
Many of you may remember we canceled ClinicalKey last year due to budget constraints. We heard from many of you and how much you missed this resource. The re-licensing of ClinicalKey was made possible by additional funding to HSLIC’s collection budget and an increase to the HSC Student Fee. We’re grateful to the HSC community for your continued support!