Love Data Week is a week-long international celebration of data, taking place this year from February 10-14, 2025. The 2025 theme is “Whose Data is it Anyway?” From Love Data Week host site ICPSR: "This year's theme challenges us to examine where data comes from and who owns it before we use it in our work."
The UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center is offering three data-related online workshops to celebrate Love Data Week this year. Find more information and register below:
The All of Us Research Program at the University of New Mexico
Date: Monday, February 10
Time: 12:00 -12:30 p.m.
Register here
In 2023, the University Libraries and the Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center (HSLIC) at the University of New Mexico joined the NIH’s All of Us Research Program (AoU). AoU is a landmark study aimed at advancing precision medicine by partnering with over one million diverse participants, with a special focus on historically underrepresented populations. The AoU program provides researchers with access to a vast database of protected health information to drive breakthroughs in human health. This workshop will explore the All of Use Research Program in greater detail and discuss the University of New Mexico’s activities regarding All of Us. In addition, the workshop will provide information to researchers on how they can join the program to access the large amounts of health data for their own research projects.
Writing a Data Management Plan with DMPTool
Date: Wednesday, February 12
Time: 12:00 -1:00 p.m.
Register here
This hands-on workshop is for researchers looking to create a data management plan. It will cover data management plan elements, suggested verbiage, and what is expected in a data management and sharing plan for an NIH grant submission. Presenters will demo of DMPTool, a free online resource for helping you create funder-compliant DMPs.
Understanding the NIH Data Management and Sharing and Public Access Policies
Date: Friday, February 14
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Register here
Applying for an NIH grant? This workshop, held as part of Love Data Week, will cover recent changes to National Institutes of Health (NIH) policies that could impact your research and publications. We will briefly review the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy already in place as well as the 2024 NIH Public Access Policy that will apply to all manuscripts from NIH-funded research starting December 31, 2025.
Check out all the other activities happening around the world for Love Data Week. Many of these are open to the public and can be attended online.