Understand sponsor requirements so each component of your proposal is accurate, complete and compliant. Sponsor requirements are found in:
- The specific funding opportunity
- The sponsor’s overarching guidance or policies related to grant funding e.g. NIH Policy Statement, SF424 (R&R) Guide
- Federal regulations that must be followed by the sponsor and the applicant e.g. HIPAA/FERPA
- Sponsor website
The HSC Family & Community Medicine's Research Management Team are available to FCM faculty to assist with understanding internal/external grants procedures and requirements.
The School of Medicine's Department of Internal Medicine supports faculty and staff investigators in their Office of Research. The Office also provides administrative support to the department and the Clinical and Translational Science Center especially in the areas related to research. Among myriad services, they will review funding applications to ensure that they comply with particular agency requirements.
HSC Resources
Other Agencies