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Research Support Services for HSC

A guide for HSC researchers to learn about where to go for support, and how the library's services are embedded within the broader research lifecycle.


A subaward can also be referred to as a subgrant (if the prime funding mechanism is a grant) or subcontract (if the prime funding mechanism is a contract). Subawards are issued when two or more Institutions collaborate on an idea. A subawardee's work can contribute significantly to the outcome of the research being conducted which is a key difference between a consultant and subawardee. Outgoing subawards have a cap on the dollar amount in which the Institution can collect Indirect costs on, refer to the current F&A Rate Agreement.

If you are unsure about how to classify an external resource (consultant or subaward), please refer to our Subaward vs. Consultant clarification document.

NOTE: Understand your intellectual property rights when working with a subawardee on the fabrication of a product or device. Consult with STC.UNM when protecting technologies created at UNM and transferring these technologies to the marketplace. The CTSC Development & Commercialization Office can help move your ideas and inventions into development and commercialization, including assistance with intellectual property disclosure. 

The HSC Family & Community Medicine's Research Management Team are available to FCM faculty for assistance with setting up subcontracts.

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