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Research Support Services for HSC

A guide for HSC researchers to learn about where to go for support, and how the library's services are embedded within the broader research lifecycle.

Dissemination of Results

​It is expected that results from of research conducted at an academic institution will be made available to the medical and scientific community and otherwise generally benefit society. Sponsors may also have certain dissemination requirements, such as registering and posting clinical trial results to NIH Most often, activities such as submitting manuscripts for publication in scientific journals (and ultimately providing open access), presenting research results at scientific conferences, posting research data to a publicly-available web site, providing data to scientists upon request, and participating in media interviews fulfill expectations and requirements for dissemination of results. Data and publications may also be deposited to open access repositories. The UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center has created a page that provides general information on a range of open access topics. You may also wish to deposit materials in UNM's Digital Repository, where the university's academic and scholarly output are openly disseminated. 

The HSC Family & Community Medicine's Research Management Team are available to FCM faculty for assistance with scientific posters, PowerPoint presentations, and graphics, as well as manuscript review/editing.

The Family & Community Medicine's Biostatistics and Epidemiology Program provides expertise in education and research in the areas of biostatistics and data management for FCM and other programs within HSC. As part of their services, they can help contribute to relevant sections of manuscripts.

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