Advancing understanding...
CTD is a robust, publicly available database that aims to advance understanding about how environmental exposures affect human health. More…
- What human diseases are associated with a gene/protein? (Example)
- What human diseases are associated with a chemical? (Example)
- What genes/proteins interact with a chemical? (Example)
- What chemicals interact with a gene/protein? (Example)
- What references report a chemical–gene/protein interaction? (Example)
- What cellular functions (GO terms) are affected by a chemical? (Example)
March 3, 2025New data available!
- Latest Features
- We are pleased to provide live Zoom sessions (March 25th and April 22nd, 12:00-1:00 pm EST) to learn about CTD data and analytical tools. These sessions will be comprised of short, informal presentations and time for questions. Join us HERE.
- New chord diagram tool for CTD Tetramers!
- Take the new CTD user survey!
- New! CTD Tetramers, Phase 2, now with chemical- and gene-based searching, to construct chemical-disease pathways!
- CTD Introduction Video!
- All changes…

Our Latest Publication
Wiegers TC, Davis AP, Wiegers J, Sciaky D, Barkalow F, Wyatt B, Strong M, McMorran R, Abrar S, Mattingly CJIntegrating AI-powered text mining from PubTator into the manual curation workflow at the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database.Database (Oxford). 2025 Feb 21. PMID:39982792
- All CTD publications…