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HSLIC Celebrates Pride Month

by Varina Kosovich on 2024-06-03T08:00:00-06:00 | 0 Comments

Visit your library as we celebrate Pride Month in style!

Explore our book display on the third floor of the library featuring LGBTQIA+ health and history topics. Get creative and make a button to show your pride or share your pronouns. We will also be collecting donations for Casa Q, the only LGBTQ+ specific youth homeless shelter in New Mexico. QR codes for monetary donations and their Amazon wish list will be next to the book display.

This year's Pride Month Research Guide collects information and resources about book bans, queer literature, and how to advocate for the freedom to read. There's also LGBTQIA+ book recommendations from our wonderful HSLIC librarians and most are available through the Albuquerque Public Library.   

Lastly, join us for a discussion about the Queer Liberation Library (QLL) on Wednesday, June 5th from 11-12. After launching on October 23rd, 2023, QLL’s membership has grown rapidly from about 3,000 members in the first few months, to over 40,000 now. Organizers from the library will share share how they brought this project into the world, how the QLL is an online extension of the queer history of creating our own spaces, and how as a queer library they are celebrating queer joy. Register here:   


Additional Resources 

LGBTQIA+ Ebook List: a selection available through the library's catalog. Clinical resources and more. 

LGBTQIA+ Health Resources Guide: patient support resources, data and statistics sources, research resources, and more. 

UNM HSC Pride Month: a list of Pride Month events at UNM HSC.

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