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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Sciences

Searching in PubMed

Using both MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms and keywords in your PubMed search strategy can be an effective approach to ensure that you capture a comprehensive set of relevant articles.

1. Use MeSH Terms: Start by searching for MeSH terms related to AI. You can use the MeSH terms below and any other relevant MeSH terms to your topic. For example:

  • "Artificial Intelligence"[Mesh]
  • "Machine Learning"[Mesh]
  • "Medical Informatics Applications"[Mesh]
  • "Natural Language Processing"[Mesh]
  • "Algorithms"[Mesh] (including this term will provide a broader search)

2. Include Keywords: In addition to MeSH terms, include relevant keywords in your search query. Keywords can be more specific and cover recent developments. For example:

  • "Precision Medicine"
  • "AI Applications in Healthcare"
  • "Generative AI"
  • "ChatGPT"
  • “Prompt Engineering”

3. Combine MeSH and Keywords: Combine your MeSH terms and keywords using Boolean operators like "AND" to create a comprehensive search query. For example

("Artificial Intelligence"[MeSH Terms] OR "Natural Language Processing"[MeSH Terms]) AND ("ChatGPT"[All Fields] OR "Generative AI"[All Fields] OR "Chatbot"[All Fields])

4. Refine Your Search: By adding other MeSH and Keywords, and/or using the PubMed filters to further refine your results by publication date, study type, and other criteria to focus on recent articles and specific research types (e.g., clinical trials, reviews).

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