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JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

JoVE Education


Jove Core Video Textbooks

Subjects include but not limited to:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Nursing
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Pharmacology

JoVE Lab Manuals

Each lab with the JoVE Lab Manuals contain three elements:

1. Instructor Prep Video - provides directions for the instructor on how to run the specific lab

2. Concept Video - demonstrates the fundamental ideas and concepts that will need to be understood for the lab

3. Student Protocol Video - shows students how to replicate the procedure and the protocol steps to complete the lab

JoVE Lab Manuals also provide printable versions of the learning objectives, materials list, and prep protocol.

JoVE Science Education Includes

JoVE Science Education - Video library on 8 subjects dedicated to teaching the practice and theory of scientific experiments

JoVE Core - Video Textbooks for Biology and Social Psychology that include animated video-lessons that explain key concepts and scientist-in-action videos that show actual research experiments conducted in laboratories.

JoVE Lab Manuals - Comprehensive, curriculum-focused videos for both instructors and students in introductory biology and chemistry lab courses.

JoVE Book - Multimedia textbook for undergraduate courses, including scientific concepts and practices and quizzes



A playlist is a curated list of videos pertaining to a specific subject. This includes JoVE's service of syllabus mapping. If a playlist does not already exist for your course or subject, JoVE will help faculty create one. For more information, see Faculty Resources.