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HSLIC Proposed Resource Cancellations

This guide will provide information on library resource cancellations


In the Short Term:

Due to lack of growth in the library’s collection budget and increasing publisher costs and inflation rates, HSLIC will have a $56K budget shortfall in FY19-20 and is projecting a $194K budget shortfall in FY20-21. Pursuant to HSLIC's annual cost per use analysis, current subscriptions to electronic resources are highly used.  In addition, HSLIC considered perpetual access to electronic collections over non-perpetual licenses.  Decisions on which resources to cancel are based on overall cost, whether the resource is locked into a multi-year deal, and whether or not the resource is purchased as part of a consortial agreement.

This means that the library will have to cancel highly used resources included an electronic resource containing many of the HSC's textbooks effective July 2020. Subscription costs are outstripping HSLIC's budget for critical collection resources and will affect:

  • HSC curricula and resources required for continued accreditations
  • Student access to etextbooks will noticeably decrease

In the Long Term:

HSLIC needs additional and sustainable funding in order to maintain these critical collection resources. 

The below table depicts collection expenditures without cancellations that have been made in previous years.  This shows that the library has not been able to develop the collection more fully to meet the needs of the HSC.  HSLIC will make cancellations every year to keep within the allotted budget until additional funding received.  This trend will continue into the future until every resource has made the cancellation list no matter how high the use.

Projection Model for HSLIC’s Collection Expenditures without Cancellations:

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025

Projected Collection Expenditures

without Cancellations

$1,573,901 $1,759,645 $1,863,276 $1,973,520 $2,083,764
HSLIC's Existing Collection Budget $1,379,901 $1,379,901 $1,379,901 $1,379,901 $1,379,901
Budget Shortfall ($194,000) ($379,744) ($483,375) ($593,619) ($703,863)
  • Publisher average annual inflation for health sciences libraries is between 8 and 10 percent
    • HSLIC works to contain these costs through direct negotiation with publishers, purchasing through consortia, cooperative purchasing with UNM University Libraries, and partnering with other UNM departments.  Through these mechanisms, HSLIC has experienced a lower inflationary rate to the cost of library resources, typically between 4 and 6 percent annually.
  • HSC textbooks average $113 per title
    • Increased costs for individual students will vary by program and term

Resource Management Librarian

Profile Photo
Robyn Gleasner
HSLIC Room 323

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This guide was created by a Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center staff member and is licensed by the Health Science Library and Informatics Center of the University of New Mexico under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.