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Medical Laboratory Sciences


The best place to start your search for full text is from the HSLIC homepage.  If you prefer searching the web, we recommend downloading the LibKey Nomad Browser Extension.

Use the Library to Find and Access Full Text Articles

Icon of a magnifying glass over a page.

Start your search for full text articles using the following options:

1. From the library's homepage or use the below search box.

2. From a particular database on HSLIC's Database Page.

Login when prompted.  This will help you avoid a paywall later in your research.

3. Download the Nomad Browser Extension and search websites like Pubmed and Wikipedia.

WorldCat Discovery Search Box


Searching WorldCat Discovery

LibKey works with HSLIC's catalog in Discovery.  When viewing results, LibKey allows you to connect directly to the PDF of an article by clicking on the "View PDF" button.  If another format is available, the "view full text" button will appear.

Searching EBSCO Databases

LibKey works within EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Complete and CINAHL. When viewing results, simply click on the "Find@UNM" button. 


Searching Pubmed

LibKey works in Pubmed.  When viewing results, simply click on the "Find@UNM" button.



Find@UNM Button

image of find at unm button

After clicking on the "Find@UNM" button, you will be taken to the LibKey Link landing page with the following options:

1.  Download PDF

2.  Article Link (This will take you to the HTML of the article, may be the publisher's site either for open access or if subscribed by the library).

3. View article in context (This will take you to BrowZine to view the full issue of the journal for the option to explore other articles.)


Off Campus Access

Check mark icon.

 Quick Tip:

When you are off campus, always start your search from the library homepage.

This is to guarantee you will authenticate with your HSC or UNM NetID and avoid hitting a paywall.

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Expert Help

If you're running into broken links or experience access issues we are here to help.

Call (505)272-2311 or

The email inbox is monitored throughout the working day.  The phone is answered during the library's open hours.

Creative Commons

Feel free to make a copy or re-use this page as long as you credit UNM HSLIC.

Creative Commons icon image.

This guide was created by a Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center staff member and is licensed by the Health Science Library and Informatics Center of the University of New Mexico under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.