Copyright is a form of legal protection that provides authors of original creative works with limited control over the reproduction and distribution of their work. It gives copyright holders a set of exclusive rights to
These rights are subject to exceptions and limitations, such as "fair use," which allow limited uses of works without the permission of the copyright holder.
For more in-depth information on this topic see the UNM Copyright Guide.
Copyright protects "original works of authorship." To be protected by copyright, a work must be original and recorded. It cannot be copied or expressed without being recorded.
You do not need to register your work to have copyright over it, once you create a work in tangible form you have the rights to it. You have a right to control:
Quick Tip: Use an author addendum (see box to the left) to customize your publisher agreement and be sure to check your rights as an author in advance! Review your publisher's agreement for details, especially regarding the NIH Public Access Policy or other funder requirements. Effectively managing your rights as a copyright owner can help you to maximize the impact of your research and scholarship.
Note: You must retain the right to deposit a copy of the final manuscript in PubMed Central if you are funded by the AHRQ, ASPR, CDC, FDA, NIH, USDA, and other federal organizations. Check your publisher's agreement for specifics. See our NIH Public Access Policy Guide for more information.
Creative Commons helps you share your knowledge & creativity with the world.
Creative Commons licenses are a standardized way to give others permission to share and use your work -- on conditions of your choice. You retain copyright of your work while allowing others to make limited use.
Learn more:
It is important to understand that while you control how the work can be used with Creative Commons the most basic level of the license does mean that others can use your work, you are just indicating how they can use it. Creative Commons is usually more useful for images as opposed to writing.
Modify your publisher agreement to keep key rights to your articles. These may include posting your article to your personal website, maintaining the rights to data expressed as figures and charts, and the ability to distribute your work for free to students, among others.
Negotiating Your Agreement
Rejection of Proposed Terms
If you are looking for information on copyright restrictions for course materials please see our Course Reserves Guide
Copyright Basics - U.S. Copyright Office
Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians - U.S. Copyright Office
Owning and Using Scholarship: An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers - Kevin L. Smith, J.D., Director of the Office of Copyright and Scholarly Communication at Duke University
Copyright Term and the Public Domain - Cornell University
Public Domain Handbook - University of California at Berkeley Law School
Parts of this Guide were obtained from Copyright Basics by April Hathcock and Andrea Ketchum's Scholarly Communications Guide at University of Pittsburgh HSLS.