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Accelerate your Research with the Nomad Browser Extension

by Robyn Gleasner on 2024-07-22T12:00:00-06:00 | 0 Comments

At HSLIC we are committed to providing you with the best tools to streamline and accelerate your research, which is exactly what the LibKey Nomad browser extension does. Here’s why you should download it today:

  • Seamless Access to Full Text Articles: LibKey Nomad simplifies your research by providing one-click access to full-text articles. When you search for articles on PubMed and other publisher websites, LibKey Nomad instantly connects you to the full text available through HSLIC’s subscriptions and to articles available through Open Access. No more wasting time navigating through multiple links and logins.
  • Enhanced Research Productivity: Using the extension will you save you time, so that you can focus more on your research and less on searching.
  • Instant Access to PDFs: Are you tired of looking for the link to download a PDF? As shown in the image below:
  1. The LibKey Nomad Extension provides a button to immediately download the PDF if available.
  2. If the PDF is not available, a link to view the article in another format or request it via InterLibrary Loan will be provided.
  3. If you would like to view the article in context along with other articles in the journal issue, a link to BrowZine is available.


How to install? Go to HSLIC’s Guide on How to Install LibKey Nomad. The extension is compatible with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Simply add the extension, select "University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center" as your institution, and you’re all set.  Please note that the extension currently only works on desktops and laptops.

Once installed, look for the Nomad teardrop icon and simply click to see your download options.

nomad browser extension logo

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via Ask A Librarian.

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