1. From HSLIC's Homepage, select Database from the dropdown menu. You can then either click on the "All HSLIC Library Databases" link or you can type in the name of the database in the search box. If the latter, skip to step 3.
2. Click on the letter that the database starts with or type it at the top of the page in the search box. You can also limit by subject and or database type.
3. Click on the link of the database you are interested in. Below is the example for CINAHL:
4. If off campus, you will be asked to login with your NetID and Password at this point.
5. After selecting an EBSCO database, you will be presented with a search box. The name of the database is shown above the search box.
6. Below each item in your results list, you will be presented with options for obtaining the full text of the article. For example, the following result shows the options HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text. Clicking on either of these options will open the article within the database window. You may also see the "Find@UNM" button.
These options will not appear under every article. When neither HTML or PDF Full Text are available, look for the Check for article Full Text at UNM HSLIC link to check the library's holdings through the HSLIC catalog.
When directed to the HSLIC catalog you will be presented with a link to 'View Full Text'. Clicking on this link will take you to the article as it appears on the publisher's website.
If the full text is not easily accessible, it may be because: