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Finding Full Text

From WorldCat Discovery

When in WorldCat Discovery, you can share a link to an article with someone else or to keep for your own records by following these steps:

1. Locate the article using WorldCat.

2. Once you have located the article you want, click on the "Share" button. 

image of share button in worldcat

3. You can then choose to A. copy the link or B. email the record to yourself or someone of your choosing.

image of share screen in worldcat


If you need more help searching for articles in WorldCat or accessing articles from off-campus, please see our WorldCat Discovery Guide.

From Browzine

When in Browzine, you can share a link to an article by following these steps:

1. Find the journal and article you are interested in.

2. From the journal issue screen under the article, click on the share icon:

3. This will give you an option to copy link to article, post to Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn, or send via email.

From LibKey or DOI/PMID Search

When using LibKey or the DOI/PMID Search, you will come to a "format chooser" page.  The URL on this page is a permalink and can be copied and shared with others:

image of LibKey format chooser page share link

Expert Help

If you're running into broken links or experience access issues we are here to help.

Call (505)272-2311 or

The email inbox is monitored throughout the working day.  The phone is answered during the library's open hours.