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Indigenous Health Information in New Mexico

Effective Search Strategies

Starting a search for a specific population, especially one that has been marginalized, can be difficult. Use our custom search string to find information discussing Indigenous communities.

Some search strategies that might be pertinent would include:

Not sure how to string a search together with commands, advance your search with subject headings, or when it might be appropriate to use Google instead of academic databases? See Creating an Effective Search for more information.

Indigenous Health, Equity, and Social Justice Resources

Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian

Now in its 27th Edition (2021), this 1435-page volume provides the public with the most recent information pertaining to Indigenous communities in both the United States and Canada. Divided into four sections, this volume:

  • 1. Contains source listings (including addresses, phone numbers, etc.) of Indigenous communities as well as related organizations and agencies connected to Indigenous peoples. 
  • 2. Provides a similar index solely related to Canadian listings.
  • 3. Details a bibliography for approximately 10,000 in-print books, broken down by subject category. 
  • 4. Provides approximately 3,000 listings/biographical sketches of prominent Indigenous people and non-Indigenous allies through their work.


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