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PHRM 713 and 753: Aspects of Patient Care

Guide for Alexandra Herman's Aspects of Patient Care class. Follow the order of the pages to complete the class the week of March 30th & feel free to utilize afterwards as well.

Saving Your Searches

When you are doing research it isn't just about what results you get, but how you got them. Keeping track of your searches allows you to know what worked, what didn't, and be able to replicate the search at a later date or in another resource.

Most databases will have an option for saving your searches. Look for language like "Search History," "Search," or "Save Your Search." If you don't see an option to do this you can keep track of your searches manually through a spreadsheet, Google Doc, or other tool.

You can also use a citation manager to help keep track of citations found from your literature searches.

See the PubMed guide for information on how to save PubMed searches.

What is a Citation Management Tool?

Image displaying icons for download, file, and checking off a paper (or references in a paper).

Citation management tools allow you to store your resources and research in one place, no matter where you got them from. In addition to being a way to keep track of your research they will also generate citations for you in the style that you specify.

Icon of a checkmark.Quick Tip: Citation management tools are a great way to stay organized while you research and save you time and energy when creating citations.

Find out more about citation management tools, including access to open source (free) options, and how to use them on our guide


Zotero is a free Citation Manager recommended by HSLIC. We have frequent Zotero training workshops, provide support for Zotero, and have a research guide linked below that can help you get started.

Search Template


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Leah Everitt
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 215