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Mendeley Reference & Citation Management

Use Mendeley to collect, manage and cite your research resources, create collections for research projects, share your data with your collaborators, and generate bibliographies.

Remove Duplicates

Think you might have loaded a resource more than once? Let Mendeley help you find it and merge the records.

Use Mendeley's Merge Feature


Manually Merge Documents

Manually Sync

Mendeley usually syncs Desktop and Online components when you exit the account, but in cases where this isn't automatic, you can also manually sync.

Image showing a manual sync. The sync option will be at the top of your Mendeley library and says "Sync."

Citations that Need Review

Sometimes a resource is missing details (authors, dates, abstracts, etc.). Mendeley has Needs Review to help manage these. Click on Needs Review to edit & manually add the missing details.

Image showing Needs Review, which is in the Mendeley menu display to the left of your library. It is between Favorites and My Publications.

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