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Mendeley Reference & Citation Management

Use Mendeley to collect, manage and cite your research resources, create collections for research projects, share your data with your collaborators, and generate bibliographies.

Share Resources with Groups

Share your references with others by creating a Group. In Mendeley there are three types of Groups:

  1. Private: With the free Mendeley account you can only have 1 private group, with up to 3 people in it. This allows you to create shared reading lists and share PDFs. It is worth noting though that any annotations made in a PDF cannot be viewed by the entire group in their libraries, only by the person who made the annotations.
  2. Invite Only: This option allows you to share references with a group. The public can follow the group, but cannot join, edit, or add citations to it.
  3. Open: With this option anyone in Mendeley can add to it, sharing references.

Create a Group

Image showing that to create a group you select Groups at the bottom of your Mendeley menu bar to the left of the Library and select "Create Group."


And select the Type of Group you want

Image showing that once you click to create a group you must select if you want private, invite-only, or open.

Once you have added the group you can click on it to manage it, which includes adding members.

Create & Edit Your Profile

Networking through Mendeley

Through your Mendeley Web account, you have the ability to network with colleagues across different fields and create a professional online profile (loading your CV, interests, publications, and more). You can follow colleagues to see what they are working on or reading and can keep them up-to-date on your endeavors (an added benefit being that if you are tracking your work's impact, loading it into Mendeley means it will be traced through altmetrics).

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