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Library’s Entry-Level Floor Is Getting a Refresh!

by Sally Bowler-Hill on 2023-12-05T00:00:00-07:00 | 0 Comments

Architectural rendering of new library lobbyHSLIC's entry-level (2nd floor) will be closed for most of 2024 to get a much-needed refresh!

The goal of the project is to provide a more useable space, including:

  • A kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, and sink for student use
  • Updated study spaces and student computer lab
  • New library service desk with additional storage for large items students like to check out, such as sporting goods
  • Additional technology space for virtual reality, 3D printing, virtual anatomy table, and more
  • Flexible space for easy reconfiguration 

The renovation is scheduled to start in January 2024, with an estimated completion date of October 2024. It is funded as part of the 2024 capital outlay from the State of New Mexico.

In a separate project over the winter, UNM Facilities Management will be renovating the library's north-side elevator. This concurrent renovation will complete a 2-year project to modernize the library's elevators, including making them accessible.

The two upper floors, including study rooms, will remain open for student use. The library service desk, course reserves, anatomical models, and technology will be located on the middle floor of the library. Badge access for 24/7 library use will also remain. 

"Being able to support our students with modernized spaces and technologies for both optimal learning and well-being is tremendously exciting. It was through student participation and feedback that this project developed and evolved, whether from testing out furniture to participating in focus groups. We are deeply grateful to the HSC students and to the New Mexico legislature and governor for supporting this much-needed renovation project," said Melissa Rethlefsen, HSLIC Executive Director.

For more information about the renovation and to view more drawings, visit our online information guide!

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