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Adding Full Text - Table of Contents

Topics on this page discuss aspects of managing your review in Covidence:

  • How to Retrieve Full Text  /  Requesting articles through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
  • Linking Full Text to References
  • Endnote Full Text Bulk Upload

How to Retrieve Full Text Articles

When you review at the Full Text level, you will need to get the full articles for every reference. 

In Endnote: Select the articles you want to find.  Under References, select Find Full Text to find as many PDFs as you can.  This feature works best on campus.  Then, for articles Endnote does not automatically find, you can type the title of other articles into a database like Pubmed or CINAHL and use the Find@UNM button to get the full article.

In Zotero: Select the articles you want to find PDFs for.  Right click and select Find Available PDFs


Linking Full Text to References

Citations must be in the Full Text level in Covidence for you to add PDFs to them. You can bulk upload PDFs using  EndNote or Zotero.  To manually attach full-text PDFs for your full-text screening stage, follow the steps below:


1. Locate and save the PDFs for your articles.  

2. Go into the Full Text Screening stage of your Covidence Review.  Select Add full text for the article.


Covidence Add Full Text button

3. Locate the PDF on your computer and save.

4. A View full text button will now appear instead of the Add full text button.

View Full Text in Covidence

Full Text Bulk Upload (EndNote or Zotero)

To upload and attach full-text PDFs from Endnote or Zotero for your Covidence full-text screening stage, see the instructions from Covidence here: Bulk PDF Import (beta).