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Finding Full Text

PubMed Guide

For help formulating your search, as well as other helpful information on PubMed, please see our PubMed guide.

Find Full Text with PubMed

From the library's homepage, select PubMed from the drop down menu.  This will open the Pubmed Search Box.

When you click on the title of an article in PubMed search results, a screen opens with the title, author(s), and abstract of the article.

Look for the icons under "Full text links" in the upper right corner of your browser window.

screenshot of PubMed article results with arrow pointing to full text link


Full text icons - There are three types of icons that may be included in the full text links.

  1. Publisher icons (more than one of these could be present)
  2. UNM "Find Article" icon
  3. Open Access icons

IMPORTANT:  If HSLIC does not have a subscription to the journal where the article appears, you will not have access to full text. However, the journal website may ask you to pay for access to the article. HSLIC is not responsible for any purchases made via this method. For alternative access see: Interlibrary Loan.

Publisher Icon

Screen shot Elsevier full text iconThe publisher link will take you to the journal's website. Typically, it will direct you to the specific article. However, sometimes you will need to retype the article name in the journal's search bar. If full text access is not available, the publisher may ask you to purchase access. Try the other options below before you decide to purchase an article. HSLIC is not responsible for any purchases made.


UNM Icon

UNM find article iconThe UNM link directs you through the the LibKey Landing page which searches HSLIC's holdings to see if full text access is available. If full text is available, then you will click 'View Full Text' and be directed to the item. If full text access is not available, you will see a link for "Access Options".  This will take you into HSLIC's catalog where you can request the item via Interlibrary Loan.

Open Access Icons

Open access links Indicate journals where the contents are freely accessible to anyone without a subscription. Below are examples:

Plos One Open access icon 

Bio Med Central Full Text Icon

The "Free" in PubMed Central link indicates that the article is freely available in PMC.

PMC Full Text Icon 

When Full Text is Hard to Find

If the full text is not easily accessible, it may be because:

  • The article is listed as "E-Pub Ahead of Print" or "In Processing". You can try the publisher link.
  • The article may be in a supplement.  Sometimes our subscription does not include supplements.  You can try checking access through multiple vendors.
  • The article may not be well indexed or the link may be broken.  You can try going to the individual database and searching specifically for the title of the article.  You may also need to search for the journal title, then year, volume, number, and then the article title.
  • If you have trouble accessing something, please email

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