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Course Reserves

What are Course Reserves?

Reserves are materials and resources that instructors have identified to use for a class. This includes books/e-books, DVDs/e-videos, databases, and even journal articles.

Finding Your Course Reserve Items

Search Course Reserves

Click on the "Search Course Reserves" button above to get to the Course Reserves module in WorldCat Discovery. Search for your course by course name/number, instructor, or department to pull up a list of materials on reserve for your course.

You can also access Course Reserves from our homepage,
screenshot of HSLIC homepage pointing to the Course Reserves link underneath the WorldCat search bar

Or when searching the catalog:

screenshot of the HSLIC online catalog in Discovery, showing the Course Reserves link on the top banner underneath the search bar

Electronic Reserves

How do I access electronic resources on reserve?

  • Go to the Course Reserves module in WorldCat Discovery and search for your course by name/number, department, or instructor.
  • Click on your course to pull up a list of materials on reserve.
  • Click the teal "View eBook" or "Access journal" button under the title of the item you're looking for 

How do I access other electronic reserves?

  • Log into your courses' Learning Management System and follow the instructions provided by your instructor

Print Reserves

Where are reserves located?

  • Physical reserves are located on the 3rd floor of HSLIC, near the Service Desk.

How do I know if a reserve item is available?

  • Go to the Course Reserves module in WorldCat Discovery and search for your course by name/number, department, or instructor. The status of reserved print items will be shown under your course.
  • Browse the reserves shelves for your course. All items are shelved alphabetically by course name and have a sticker with the course name abbreviation (e.g. BIOM 555)
  • Ask the Service Desk for assistance in finding your course materials.

Loan Periods and Item Limits

  • Materials on reserve may be checked out for a maximum of 3 hours during staffed hours. After hours, reserves may be used inside the library without check-out, and returned to the return cart located near the reserves shelves.
    • Please note an HSC badge is required to enter the library after hours (after 5pm M-F, and weekends).
  • To take reserves out of the library, please check out material at the front desk.
  • The majority of reserves have a 3-hour loan period. Some reserves are are available for longer check-out, such as 3-days or 2-weeks. Service Desk employees may assist you in determining what loan period an item has.
  • No more than 3 items may be checked out by 1 person at a time.

Renewals and Holds

Returning Reserve Materials

  • Return reserves to the cart near the reserves shelves, or to the Service Desk. Do not place them in the book drop or return them to any other library; they must be returned to HSLIC.
  • Fines will accrue for materials not returned within the check-out period.

Course Reserves Manager

Student Resources

Image that says University of New Mexico Campus Resources for Students