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Zotero Reference & Citation Management

Use Zotero to collect, manage and cite your research resources, create collections for research projects, share your data with your collaborators, and generate bibliographies.

Using Zotero Word Plugin

To add in-text citations and bibliographies to your work download the Word toolbar when setting up your Zotero account. Once you have done this you will see Zotero represented in your Word toolbar.

Image of the Zotero plugin in Word


To add an in-text citation place your cursor where you want it in the Word document and click on Add/Edit Citation and then search your Library for the citation you need. If you have to add a page number be sure to click on the citation within the Zotero search.

Image of Zotero Add/Edit Citation in Word

To add a bibliography (that will pull from every in-text citation that you utilized Zotero to create) click on the Add/Edit Bibliography

Image of Zotero Add/Edit Bibliography in Word plugin


Other Zotero Word Features

Image of Zotero Document Preferences in Word Plugin Click "Document Preferences" to change the document's citation style. This will adjust the citations as well as the bibliography.

Click the Refresh button in case any changes don't happen automatically and click the Unlink Citations option if you are completely done with your paper and need a copy that does not include the Zotero coding (it is always a good idea to save a copy with the coding though).

Using Zotero Google Docs Plugin

Zotero works with Google Docs! You must have the Zotero Connector installed in Chrome, Firefox or Safari, there is no separate download specifically for Google Docs.

Instead of a toolbar you will look for the Zotero menu in your Google Docs editor and be able to select all relevant options (for more information on options see the Word Plugin box on this page).

Image of Zotero Plugin in Google Docs

Creating a Standalone Bibliography

If you want to create a bibliography, without having a document that has in-text citations, you can do so directly from Zotero Desktop.

  1. Select all the records you wish to add to your list, from your Zotero Library.
    Image of selected items in Zotero
  2. Go to Edit or right click & select Create Bibliography from Items.
  3. You will be asked which citation style you want the citations in, select what you need.
  4. You will also be asked if you want the output mode to be a bibliography and what method (if you want to copy and paste these into a document select Copy to Clipboard).
    Image of Zotero Creating Citation Bibliography options
  5. Open a text document in a program like Word, and click Paste.

Additional Styles

Zotero comes with the most common bibliographic styles, but many more are available to download.

To install a style:

  1. Go to the Zotero Style Repository page.
  2. Search for the name of the style you need.
  3. Download the style (right-click the Install link and choose Save As).
  4. Open Zotero preferences. Click Cite, then Styles, then the "+" button, and select the style you downloaded (a .CSL file).

The new style will appear in Zotero's style lists.

We are indebted to Georgia State for this information.

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