SciENcv uses My Bibliography, to populate the publication sections of the profile. This allows the researcher to select which publications will show under Contributions to Science and the Personal Statement sections. It also allows a user to link to a full list of their published works.
(Note: There is a difference between My Bibliography and delegated bibliographies in My NCBI. My Bibliography is intended to be used for your own personal bibliography. Delegated bibliographies can be found under Collections in My NCBI.)
How do I create My Bibliography?
- Sign into My NCBI.
- Search for yourself as an author. (Tip: Enter the authors last name, and initials)
- Select the citations you want to add to My Bibliography by checking the boxes next to the article title.
- Select Send To and choose My Bibliography and Add to My Bibliography. If you are supporting a faculty member, choose Other bibliographies that you manage and select your faculty member’s name. Choose Save.