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Create Biosketch in SciENcv
- Sign in to NCBI. Once you sign in, you will be redirected to the PubMed homepage. Click on My NCBI in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to access your My NCBI dashboard. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Click here to create a new CV. If you are supporting a faculty member, select their name under Delegated CVs and choose Create New Biosketch.

- You have three options for creating a new profile in SciENcv. 1) Start with a blank document OR 2) Existing Biosketch OR 3) External source. If you choose External source, parts of the profile will automatically populate from the eRA Commons including Research Support. If your Faculty member does not have an eRA Commons account, choose Start with a blank document.
- Enter a Name for your profile. You can create multiple profiles in SciENcv.
- Select NIH Biosketch from the drop-down menu.
- Choose your data source
- Select Create.