NCBI's tool, Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv), makes it easy to automatically produce a new biosketch for either NIH or NSF by linking and pulling information from an eRA Commons or similar account (such as ORCID), as well as publications from My Bibliography. Revisions can easily be made to biosketches in SciENcv. Save time by automating this process! SciENcv can be found in your My NCBI account.
SciENcv can be used to create and comply with the new NIH biosketch format. If you've created your SciENcv profile from an external source (eRA Commons, ORCiD), part of your profile will be populated automatically. The following sections will demonstrate the areas that must be completed to comply with the new format.
FOR RESEARCHERS: If you are creating a SciENcv account for yourself, go to NCBI and login by clicking on the eRA Commons button and logging into your eRA Commons account. After entering your username and password you will be redirected to NCBI.
FOR DELEGATES: If you are assisting a researcher or faculty member in creating a SciENcv profile, you will need to create an NCBI account for yourself.
Feel free to make a copy or re-use this page as long as you credit UNM HSLIC.
This guide was created by a Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center staff member and is licensed by the Health Science Library and Informatics Center of the University of New Mexico under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.