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WorldCat Discovery

Advanced Search Databases

The default search includes:

  1. - which includes but is not limited to physical items owned by HSLIC and by other OCLC libraries, e-books, e-journals, and article-level records from databases such as MEDLINE and Elsevier 
  2. AccessMedicine
  3. AccessPharmacy
  4. Annual Reviews
  5. BioMed Central
  6. Cambridge Companions Online
  7. Oxford Journals
  8. Oxford University Press
  9. Science Direct
  10. Taylor and Francis Journals
  11. Wiley Online Library

The following databases can be selected under "Other Databases".  These are not included in the default search.

  1. CINAHL Complete
  2. SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Click on Add/remove databases - this will adjust which content you search, but it will limit your results

Advanced Search Elements