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Systematic Reviews

Conducting a Systematic Review, Systematic Review Services offered at HSLIC, Databases, Content Management Systems, Resources Used for Systematic Reviews, Systematic Review Software

What are Systematic Reviews?

According to the Users' Guide to Medical Literature (2015), a systematic review is defined as "a summary of research that addresses a focused clinical question in a systematic, reproducible manner."

Are There Other Types of Reviews?

The answer is, yes--there are definitely other types of reviews.  Some of the other, more common types of reviews include:

Narrative Reviews:

A narrative review covers the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of a condition or disease.  It often also points to areas for future research.  This traditional review, usually authored by an expert on the subject, has been in existence for at least 60 years.

Scoping Reviews:

"Scoping reviews are intended to be broad, exploratory reconnaissance searches of the relevant literature to determine key characteristics of the subject." (Spencer & Eldredge)

Rapid Reviews:

Rapid reviews are a far less thorough review of evidence than a systematic review on a subject.  They are performed rapidly in order to provide timely advice to clinicians.


Clinical Services Librarian

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Deborah Rhue
HSLIC Office: Room 214
(505) 272-1094

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