These tools can streamline the process of organizing and screening literature for systematic review.
Please note that the library has a subscription to Covidence. To create an account for Covidence, please refer to:
These are tools for downloading, organizing, and annotating citations. They are useful for manuscript preparation and generating reference lists in various publication styles. Examples include RefWorks, EndNote, Medeley, Zotero. HSLIC supports Zotero and Mendeley, which are free.
This is a great resource for identifying software tools for various steps in the systematic review process.
For a fee, the University of New Mexico offers translation services through the Excellence-in-Translation Center (UNM EX-TRA) located on the UNM Campus or available through their website.
Feel free to make a copy or re-use this page as long as you credit UNM HSLIC.
This guide was created by a Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center staff member and is licensed by the Health Science Library and Informatics Center of the University of New Mexico under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.