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Virtual Reality

Quick Start Instructions

  1. Put on the Headset
  • Take one of the VR headset covers, peel off the backing, and stick it on top of the area that makes contact with your face.
    • If you wear glasses, you can pull out the gray frame and replace it with the frame that has a foam cushion that accommodates glasses.
    • Your glasses might become tucked into the foam, but this is not a problem.
  • Put your hands through the wristbands.
  • Place the headset over your head.
  • Adjust the fit wheel at the back of the unit so that it sits firmly on your head.
  • You can move the lenses to increase image clarity.
  1. To turn on the unit, press and hold the small button on the left side of the headset.
  2. Set the Play Area
  • The first few prompts that appear in your vision will be the steps to set up the boundaries of the play area.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the steps necessary for setting up the floor and the four walls.
  • If you want to remain seated while using the Quest 3, adjusting the height of the floor is an option that could improve the experience but this is not required.
  1. If you want a tutorial on using VR, click on the Apps button in the bottom toolbar and choose Installed Apps from the menu in the upper right corner. Select the First Steps app for a general VR tutorial (about 10 minutes of easy and fun VR activities).
  2. For most apps, if you want to quit the app, you can press the “o” button located below the right thumbstick and then click on the “Quit” button using the trigger.
  3. Do not attempt to log out of HSLIC's Meta account or make any changes to the device configurations. Any violation may result in revoking your VR equipment borrowing privileges.

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This guide was created by a Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center staff member and is licensed by the Health Science Library and Informatics Center of the University of New Mexico under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.