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Library Services

A guide that introduces you to the services available at the UNM Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center.

Intro to Library Services

Library Services

Welcome to the Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center.

The Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center (HSLIC) offers multiple services for library users. 

Fees may apply to non-UNM affiliates. Fees do not apply to UNM/HSC affiliates.

Access Electronic Resources 24/7


HSLIC has a Virtual Reality Lab located on the 4th Floor which provides an ideal space for VR use. We also offer Oculus Quest 2 units for checkout (3 day loan period) which are standalone units that are ready to operate without any account setup required. Our VR guide is an excellent resource for more information. 

HSLIC has purchased the Ultimaker S5 printer, which is a 3D printer. For further information, please take a look at our 3D printing guide.

HSLIC now has a virtual anatomy table which  provides users an opportunity to practice anatomy using an intuitive touchscreen. Please see our Anatomage Table guide for more information. 

Course Reserves

Print Course Reserves are currently available 24/7 on the 3rd floor! Please check out items at the front desk during service hours, or use at your discretion after hours—items can be returned to the Return Cart when finished. A book scanner is available in the student computing area to scan any sections of course materials you may need. Electronic reserves can be used at any time and can be found by searching for your course or instructor in our Course Reserves module. Check out our Course Reserves Guide for more information on how to access your course materials or how to reserve items for your course.

Research Guides


All Research Guides are compiled by HSLIC librarians to assist with reference, research, assignments, and more. They contain resources such as recommended databases and how to use or access library materials (ex. full-text and course reserves). They typically have a particular subject or course focus, saving you time in navigating the numerous library resources. These can be accessed asynchronously during the library’s unstaffed hours, if you have a question during these times, we recommend looking through this extensive list of Research Guides!

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) allows affiliated users to obtain research materials not available at HSLIC by requesting them from other libraries. These resources include journal articles, books, and conference proceedings. This service also provides delivery of HSLIC-owned books or scanned articles to other U.S. libraries. This service is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 am-5:00pm. 

Reference Support


While we are still operating in a largely virtual capacity, there are still many ways to get the services you are used to at HSLIC.

If you need reference support, request support via chat, submit a question, request an appointment, or request a literature search from our faculty and staff members. All information can be found on our Ask A Librarian page. 

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Trainings & Events

Keep up to date with HSLIC's trainings and events - whether online or in person - by checking the HSLIC Events Calendar

Instruction Sessions

For teaching faculty (in any educational setting, including clinical) librarians are available to teach sessions on various topics that meet the needs of your learners. This can include:

  • Literature searching, including database search strategies and appropriate tools
  • Intellectual property protection and e-scholarship (including open access and data management)
  • Critical analysis of health sciences resources and research
  • Evaluating and selecting appropriate resources
  • Health historical collections
  • Other topics

Librarians will work with you to conduct a need’s assessment and better address any requirements for the course. For more information on booking a session you can reach out to Ingrid Hendrix, Division Head for Research, Education, and Clinical Information Services.

WEPA Printing

The WEPA printing service is a cloud-based printing service that serves UNM HSC campus. Patrons with HSC or UNM login credentials can print from the student computing area or from their own personal devices. Members of the public can print by signing up for computer access at the Public Services desk or using a personal device. There is more information on printing for members of the public on our Community Patrons guide.

HSLIC has two print kiosks on the second floor and one printing kiosk in the third floor collaboratory. ​


HSLIC Student Print Credit

All enrolled HSC students who currently pay the HSC Library and Technology Fee are given a $10 print credit every fall and spring term. The credits are automatically issued to students’ UNM HSC wēpa accounts and may be accessed from HSC or UNM wēpa printers. The fall credit is available from July 1 through December 31, and the spring credit is available from January 1 through June 30, based on current enrollment status. Remaining print credits do not carry over from prior terms and are not refundable


If you have any trouble logging in to the printer (and you know that your HSC Net ID and password are valid) contact WEPA directly at 1-800-675-7639 or and they will be able to assist you.

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