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HSLIC Development

Professional Development Resources & Opportunities for HSLIC staff and faculty

Guidelines for Justice, Equity, and Inclusion (JEI) Trainings for HSLIC Employees

All HSLIC employees must take at least two Justice, Equity, and Inclusion trainings per calendar year: one offered by the JEI Committee and one that is self-selected (external or a second JEI Committee training). Your manager can guide you further about what trainings will count towards this requirement, or you can refer to the competencies listed below. 

Available JEI Committee Trainings will be listed on this page as far in advance as possible. Training opportunities will also be announced in the Morning Message and other library communication outlets. A survey will be sent out after each training and must be completed to receive credit for attending. 

Once you complete your trainings, you will receive a digital certificate via email. If you have questions about if you've met the requirement please feel free to reach out to the chair of the committee, Varina Kosovich

JEI Trainings Competencies

Oregon State University has compiled 9 competencies for JEI learning. These competencies can be referred to by managers or employees to select external JEI trainings. 


Appreciating the Complexity of Identity A culturally competent community member will recognize and understand that identity is fluid and complex and that interactions between individuals are dynamic. This includes appreciating and respecting that identity development is a long process, full of negotiations and shaped by a multiplicity of social contexts.  
Recognizing Processes and Outcomes of Socialization  A culturally competent community member will recognize and understand self and others as socialized and cultural beings. This includes the examination of attitudes and beliefs that can influence our perceptions, interactions, and conceptualizations of others and challenging our own categorical assumptions, biases and misinformation about individuals and communities. A foundation and parameter of this domain is a shared belief in the inherent worth, dignity and respect of all human beings. Growth in this domain results in empathy, patience, and respect for self and others.
Utilizing Inclusive and Affirming Language A culturally competent community member will recognize and understand the impact and influence of language in community interactions. This includes engaging others with responsiveness and sensitivity.
Embracing Collaboration Across Difference  A culturally competent community member will recognize the diversity and dimensions of power and privilege in work styles and communication. This includes seeking to understand the impact and influence of our own norms and values of communication and collaboration on individuals and communities. Growth in this domain results in increased capacity to communicate and collaborate with people whom we disagree with.
Practicing Cultural Humility  A culturally competent community member will adapt their practices to meet the needs of diverse constituents. This includes ongoing evaluation of one’s practices to attend to the dynamic needs of individuals and communities. Growth in this domain results in increased motivation and capacity to engage with perspectives of those we do not understand or with which we disagree, as well as thoroughly consider opportunities to reevaluate our practices and experiment with new ways of being in the world.
Attending to Environmental Factors  A culturally competent community member will increase their awareness of the role of the social and physical environment in the lives of other community members. This includes the impact of campus climate and the built environment on others’ access and sense of belonging.
Engaging the Here and Now A culturally competent community member will understand and be intrinsically motivated to translate diversity, equity and inclusion concepts into their daily behaviors and decision-making. This includes bridging the theoretical to the practical and interacting with the immediate happening of our community and all its members in a manner that is congruent with our highest ideals. Individuals have responsibility to hold themselves responsible for this congruence and also explore how they can shape organizations to enable the congruence of others with institutional values.
Redressing Past and Present Inequities  A culturally competent community member will recognize and understand individuals’ and groups’ historical and contemporary experiences with power, privilege and oppression. This includes actively confronting institutional barriers, inequities and disparities in education and other systems in pursuit of justice, and doing so with thoughtfulness, savvy and an intersectional lens.
Maintaining Global Consciousness A culturally competent community member will examine one’s work and professional standards, assumptions and practices within an international context. This includes considering how economic, cultural and political globalization has an impact on one’s self-definition, purpose, role, and function.


2023-2024 JEI Trainings

Transgender Cultural Fluency Training with TNET (register below)

This two hour course will be divided into two sessions: February 13th and February 20th. Participants must attend both trainings.

Speakers Stacy Fatemi (they/them) and Charlie Alexander (they/them) will cover transgender and nonbinary topics including issues faced by trans and nonbinary people, deconstructing gender norms, transness historically and presently, and how to be a good advocate. Both speakers are a part of the trans community and will also share a bit about their own stories. 

Queer Liberation Library 

June 5th: Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is fighting to build a vibrant, flourishing queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources that celebrate the unique and empowering diversity of our community. After launching on October 23rd, 2023, QLL’s membership has grown rapidly from about 3,000 members in the first few months, to over 40,000 now. We’re excited to share how we brought this project into the world, how we see QLL as an online extension of the queer history of creating our own spaces, and how we as a queer library are celebrating queer joy.

Self-Selected Trainings

Click the button below to take a survey after your self-selected JEI training. This will help your manager keep track of your trainings and help us share useful trainings with other library employees. Thanks!