If you have an idea that you would like to share, please feel free to reach out. Ideas may include speaking about a topic you are passionate about, sharing an article that is interesting, or inviting a guest speaker to our forum. I am really excited our new format and hope we all can learn and share some wonderful knowledge.
The Knowledge Café is a monthly meeting for HSLIC staff and faculty to come together to share experiences, learn from each other, and build relationships. This welcoming environment will not only allow us to grow as individuals, but it will foster a more collaborative approach to fulfill our overall library mission.
The readings and resources of our Knowledge Cafe are located in the tab.
Holistic Review in UME Admissions (Undergraduate Medical Education)
January 10
February 10
March 10
Facilitators: Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski and Deborah Rhue
Topic: "Covidence: Tips and Lessons Learned"
May 12
Facilitators: Jon Eldredge, Allison Cruise, Melissa Rethlefsen, Sally Bowler-Hill and Deborah Rhue
Topic: "Lightning Presentations of MLA 2022 Papers and Posters"
Jon Eldredge (L.J. Hall): Developing a Faculty Roles Crosswalk for Health Sciences Librarians
"Many academic and hospital Health Sciences Librarians in the United States have faculty status. Translating HSL faculty responsibilities into terms that their non-HSL faculty counterparts can easily understand represents an ongoing challenge for HSLs. The librarians at HSLIC used a job analysis methodology to develop a Crosswalk that translates HSL job roles for non-HSL faculty members into easily grasped faculty responsibilities."
Jon Eldredge (C. Nathe): Building Question Formulation Skills Among Dental Hygiene Students
"This randomized controlled trial involved a 5-minute introduction to question formulation that was accompanied by training on a rubric for all students. The control group students did not receive any additional training whereas the intervention group received a 25 minute training on question formulation that included peer instruction and a hands-on applied exercise. The initial post-test scores were not much different, but when four (4) control group students who studied with intervention group students were removed from the analysis, the intervention students performed far better on the post-test."
Allison Cruise (A. Sawyer, L. Dolan): Analysis of Public Preprint Server Comments on NIH Preprint Pilot Articles
"Given the increased prevalence of preprints during the COVID-19 pandemic, this project seeks to analyze public comments left on a sample of preprint articles from the NIH Preprint Pilot to determine if they were substantive in nature. Analysis of article titles and qualitative coding of the comments was conducted. This analysis was designed to measure comments on a selected group of articles to provide evidence of the impact of public commenting on scientific rigor."
Allison Cruise (A.N. Villezcas, A. Ellsworth-Kopkowski, J.D. Eldredge, M.L. Rethlefsen): Academic Health Sciences Libraries' Outreach and Engagement with Native American Communities: A Scoping Review
"This review seeks to identify trends in how academic health sciences libraries have supported community engagement and outreach with Native American communities. This comes at a time when a lack of equity and access to health information and low health literacy affect the health conditions of the Native American population."
Melissa Rethlefsen (N.R. Haddaway, C.A. Ashby): Developing SearchRxiv: An International Transdisciplinary Repository for Search Strategies
"This presentation explains the collaboration with CABI to develop searchRxiv, a new platform for documenting and sharing search strategies. SearchRxiv (searchrxiv.org) allows users to create a DOI-stamped record of a search strategy or a search block as documentation and data have been scattered across dozens of resources from individual journals files to institutional repositories"
Melissa Rethlefsen (B Ragon, EC Whipple): Except for My Commute, Everything is the Same: The Shared Lived Experiences of Libraries During the COVID-19 Pandemic
"This study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on academic health sciences libraries over three crucial periods during the pandemic. Findings provide context for challenges libraries faced and the tactics they employed to ensure services and support for their staff. The study captures the experiences of libraries as they transitioned to remote service environments, evolved over the course of an uncertain academic year, and began to transition or plan to transition back to in person services in some capacity. The study finds that, while library workers were energized to transition to remote services, they later expressed exhaustion with budget reductions, reopening planning, and a lack of certainty."
Sally Bowler-Hill: Continuing to Build Consensus Around the Future of Remote Work: One Library's Study
"Based on experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic, this study attempts to understand employee perceptions of remote work as a potential option for normal operations. Two surveys were conducted, before and after developing telecommuting and remote work guidelines for the library. Results show that, while staff and faculty showed overall satisfaction with hybrid work, time and further adjustments may be needed towards improving a sense of connectedness."
June 9
Facilitators: Lori Sloane and Deborah Rhue
Topic "Library/Software/Data Carpentries"
July 14
Facilitators: Ashley Green and Deborah Rhue
Topic: "The All of Us Research Hub and Workbench"
August 11
Facilitators: Sally Bowler-Hill, Varina Kosovich, Kelleen Maluski, Jonathan Pringle, Lori Sloane, Amy Weig-Pickering, Kristin Proctor and Deborah Rhue
Topic: "Seed Funding Recipients and Projects"
Varina Kosovich and Kelleen Maluski: Wellness Room
Jonathan Pringle and Lori Sloane: Creating a Web Archives of the HSC Newsroom
Amy Weig-Pickering and Kristin Proctor: Reading is Healthy Book Club Kits
September 8
Facilitators: Sally Bowler-Hill and Deborah Rhue
Topic: UNM Finance 101: A HSLIC Budget Overview
In this talk, Sally Bowler-Hill outlines the UNM financial structure, describes the types of funding and where it comes from, defines allowable, unallowable and prohibited expenditures, and presents an overview of the annual HSLIC budget.
October 13
Facilitators: Megan Joe, Gabriel Hudson and Deborah Rhue
Topic: "Roles and Mission of the UNM Community Engagement Center"
In this presentation Megan Joe and Gabriel Hudson discuss the role the UNM Community Engagement Center (CEC) plays on campus and throughout the state of New Mexico. The stated mission of the CEC is to use "university and community assets to meet community identified needs through education, community engagement and leadership development. CEC serves as a university-based intermediary with communities to implement community goals."
UNM Community Engagement Center
November 17
Facilitators: Wendell Billingsley, Jonathan Seyfried and Deborah Rhue
Topic: "HSLIC 3D Printer and Cura Software Demo"
Wendell and Jonathan talk about HSLIC's new 3D printer and its associated software.
December 8
Facilitators: Lisa Acuff and Deborah Rhue
Topic: The Research Training Institute (RTI)
In this talk, Lisa shares her experiences at the Research Training Institute (RTI).
February 22
Facilitators: Jay Wilson & Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski
Organization: Albuquerque BLESS (Black Economic Security & Solidarity) Fund
Organization link: https://www.facebook.com/ABQBLESS/
March 23
Facilitators: Amanda Martinez & Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski
Organization: Lobo Pantry
Organization link: https://loborespect.unm.edu/services/campus-lobo-food-pantry.html
April 27
Facilitators: NMAHEC & Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski
Helene Silverblatt— Program Director
Maria Ward—Program Manager
Casey Burnett —Data Analyst
Organization: New Mexico Area Health Education Center (NMAHEC)
Organization link: https://hsc.unm.edu/medicine/departments/family-community/education/ahec/
Upcoming Knowledge Cafe's
June 22nd at 11:00 AM
Jonathan Pringle & Lori Sloane: ORCID
July 25th at 11:00 AM
HSLIC Seed funding groups
August 17th at 12:00 PM
Oregon Library Association EDI Antiracism Committee
September 21st at 11:30 AM
Cancelled - UX talk with Dr. Lovato from the UNM Valencia campus
October 19th at 11 AM
Graphic Medicine in Libraries with Naomi Bishop from University of Arizona
November 2nd at 12:00 PM
SPLAT (Special Projects Library Action Team) Training
No Knowledge Cafe
January 11, 2024
Topic: UNM HSC HRPO Overview
Speaker: Ernstine Armijo
Organization: https://hsc.unm.edu/research/compliance/hrpo/
February 8, 2024
Topic: Understanding Bias
Speaker: Lindsay Smart
March 14, 2024
Topic: Implementing AI in the SOM Curricula
Speaker: David Perkins
April 11, 2024
Topic: Annual Grant Basics Training
Speakers: Sally Bowler-Hill, Melissa Rethlefsen
June 13, 2024
Topic: UNM Finance 101 and HSLIC Budget Overview
Speaker: Sally Bowler-Hill
July 11, 2024
Topic: HSLIC Seed Funding Projects
Speakers: Jon Eldredge, Abbie Olivas
August 8, 2024
Topic: Journal Club: McLain, R., & McKelvey, H. (2024). Shifting the Collection Development Mindset: Moving from Traditional Journal Subscriptions to Transformative Agreements. Library Resources & Technical Services, 68(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5860/lrts.68n1.8218
Facilitators: Robyn Gleasner, Laura Hall, Danielle Maurici-Pollock
September 12, 2024
Topic: HSLIC Departmental Results from UNM Employee Engagement Survey
Speakers: Melissa Rethlefsen & OMT
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This guide was created by a Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center staff member and is licensed by the Health Science Library and Informatics Center of the University of New Mexico under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.