The UNM/HSC Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for the progress of a sponsored project, including the oversight of any subawards. Managing outgoing subawards includes monitoring activities and coordinating changes during the life of the project.
Subrecipient Monitoring
Subrecipient monitoring means verifying that our subrecipient is following technical, financial, and compliance requirements.
PIs and departments can manage monitoring in different ways for different projects, but must make sure:
Remember to:
Subaward Changes
All requests for changes to sub-awards must be submitted in writing to the HSC Sponsored Projects Office. When a significant change is made to an existing subaward, the Sub-Award Agreement must be reviewed to determine if a Sub-Award Agreement Amendment is required.
A significant change in any of the terms of a Sub-Award Agreement requires a written amendment. A Sub-Award Agreement Amendment may or may not require a change to the general encumbrance.
Sub-Award Agreement amendments are required for the following changes:
If the sub-recipient's name is changed, the original general encumbrance is canceled and a new one is issued.
NOTE: Understand your intellectual property rights when working with a subawardee on the fabrication of a product or device. Consult with STC.UNM when protecting technologies created at UNM and transferring these technologies to the marketplace. The CTSC Development & Commercialization Office can help move your ideas and inventions into development and commercialization, including assistance with intellectual property disclosure.
HSC Resources