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HSLIC LibGuides Style Guide

This guide is intended for HSLIC employees to assist in the creation of their guides.

Adding Content

These pages include guidelines and suggestions for adding content including

  • Databases
  • Links
  • Images and Mulitmedia, and
  • Mapped Boxes

There are step-by-step instructions for some of the trickier bits, but remember Kelleen and your colleagues are always here to help if you have questions.

Note: Place your primary content only in the center column (Content Column 1)

  • Content included in the 3rd column or under the side navigation will not display in the side navigation menu
  • Mobile devices will display the side navigation column first, followed by the main content, followed by the third column

LibGuides Tool Box

Utilize the LibGuides Tool Box to find and map to content, such as:

  • Widgets
  • Search boxes
  • Content/boxes that will be reused multiple places


Division Head; Education, Consultation & Reference Services

Profile Photo
Ingrid Hendrix
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 216e


Some content/wording of the Adding Content pages was gathered from the standards, best practices, and resources from Boston College Libraries and the University of Oregon Libraries. We are thankful to them for their work.