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HSLIC LibGuides Style Guide

This guide is intended for HSLIC employees to assist in the creation of their guides.

Each Guide Must Have Custom/Friendly URLs

For increased discoverability and for accessibility it is essential that as soon as you are ready to publish a guide you make sure to add a custom URL for the guide and for each subpage (tab).

How to Add/Edit a URL

To Add/Edit the URL for the entire guide select the guide in LibApps and then click on the edit symbol (the little pencil) next to the URL

Image of the edit options for a guide with the URL option highlighted


To Add/Edit the URL for each subpage go to the page you wish to edit and then click on the edit symbol (the little pencil) next to the Page URL

Image of the edit options for a guide with the Page URL option highlighted

Division Head; Education, Consultation & Reference Services

Profile Photo
Ingrid Hendrix
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 216e