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HSLIC LibGuides Style Guide

This guide is intended for HSLIC employees to assist in the creation of their guides.


When you want to reuse content from the LibGuides Tool Box, another guide, or our assets (Databases and Links), it is best to map to the original content instead of copying it

  • This makes maintenance easier because we only have to update once, and then every guide with that resource will automatically be updated
  • If you need to customize content from a mapped box to suit a particular audience, the new box will no longer be mapped to the original, and you will be responsible for maintaining the content
  • If you want to use a Widget you should always map to it from the Tool Box--If you need a widget that isn't on the Tool Box, ask Kelleen Maluski about creating one

LibGuides Tool Box

Utilize the LibGuides Tool Box to find and map to content, such as:

  • Widgets
  • Search boxes
  • Content/boxes that will be reused multiple places


How to Add a Mapped Box

  1. Click on the "Add Box" option at the bottom of the column where you would like the mapped box to be

Add Box Screenshot

  1. Select the tab to "Reuse Existing Box" from the tab at the top of the "Add New Box" interface

Reuse Existing Box screenshot

  1. Select which guide you will pull the box from
    1. To find content from the Tool Box, choose the guide "*Libguides Tool Box by Kelleen Maluski"
    2. The asterisk (*) in the title allows you to find the guide by searching for an asterisk "*" rather than scrolling through the entire list

Screentshot of "Select a guide" menu

  1. Select the box from within the guide by clicking on the "Box" dropdown menu and selecting the desired box

Screenshot of box name menu

  1. Select the position and save--the mapped box will be available directly in your guide

Customizing Mapped Boxes

  • You can customize the name of a mapped box when you are adding it to your guide or by using the edit menu (pencil icon) next to the box name--this will not create a copy of the box or affect the original box
  • If you want to make changes to a box you are reusing on your Guide, you can make a copy of it instead of mapping to the original
    • Remember: You are responsible for keeping content in a copied box correct and up to date--it will not be updated automatically when the original box is changed

Screenshot with "copy" checked on Reuse Existing Box feature

  • If you want to copy (rather than map to) a box that has links/assets in it, you should instead create a fresh box, copy and paste the text you need, and map to the original link(s)
    • If you fail to do this, duplicate copies will be made of all the assets in the box--this can get messy very quickly
    • See the Adding Databases and Adding Links pages for instructions on how to link to assets

Division Head; Education, Consultation & Reference Services

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Ingrid Hendrix
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 216e