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HSLIC LibGuides Style Guide

This guide is intended for HSLIC employees to assist in the creation of their guides.

Adding a Book from the Catalog: Standard Box

1. Go to Add/Reorder content in the box that you are adding the book to

Screenshot of Add/Reorder menu with "Book from the Catalog" listed.


2. Add the ISBN and click on "Get Book Info" to populate the record. If book information is not found try other ISBNs and if it still isn't found you can fill out manually.

Screenshot of the "Add Book" screen

3. Fields that must be filled in are the Title and URL (permalink to our catalog).

Note: You can remove the ISBN after using it to populate the content.

Adding a Book from the Catalog: Gallery Box

1. Create your gallery box and click on the gear icon
Screenshot of the Gear Icon for the Gallery Box

2. Click on "Add New Slide" and select Book

3. You can then search the Assets list to find the book you want to add. If the book is not already an asset you do need to go to the assets page to create it there.

Division Head; Education, Consultation & Reference Services

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Ingrid Hendrix
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 216e