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HSLIC LibGuides Style Guide

This guide is intended for HSLIC employees to assist in the creation of their guides.

Each Guide Must Have a Get Help Option

Every guide needs to have a way for patrons to reach out to us for help. There are two ways you can do this:

  • A profile box
  • A "Need Help? Contact Us!" box

Think about the intention of the guide. If you are wanting patrons to be able to find you for subject expertise then having your profile box on the landing page of the guide is useful. If the guide is more general, like a Citations Guide, and you just want them to be able to get help from anyone at the library then a "Need Help? Contact Us!" box might be more appropriate.

You can also combine the 2. If you want your profile box on the landing page and then a generic get help option on every other page of the guide you can also do that. This can be a good way to remind patrons that they can reach out to us no matter where they are on the guide, while still offering your own contact for subject expertise.

Placement of Profile and Need Help Boxes on Guides

The profile box and/or the "Need Help? Contact Us!" box should be in the last column of your guide (in appearance this is the 3rd column but in the editor LibGuides will call it the 2nd column). This placement is to make sure that the help option is at the bottom of the page on mobile. 

How to Add Your Profile Box

Click on the "Add Box" option under the Side-Nav column and then select the Profile box as the box type

Image of the box creation menu with the "Type" highlighted

Once you have added the profile box you can change the name of it by clicking on the edit symbol (the little pencil) and typing in a new box name

Image of a Profile box with an arrow pointing to the edit icon

You can also change the profile box to display another person's information (this is useful for putting more than one editor/owner on a guide). You do this after you have created the box by clicking on the settings symbol (the gear icon) and selecting a new person to display from the drop down

Image of a Profile box with an arrow pointing to the settings icon


Note: It is best practice to have the profile box title be your title at the institution.

Making Sure Your Profile is Up to Date

You can make sure the title for your profile box always represents your job title and also add add additional information like your email, phone number, HSLIC's website, and a personal statement by going to "My Profile" from the LibGuides editor homepage.

All profile boxes should list:

  • Your title
  • Have way for patrons to contact you (at least email, but phone and even LibCal widgets are useful if you utilize them)
  • The HSLIC website

It is recommended that your profile also include:

  • A personal statement (that gives context to what you do and how you can help patrons)
  • Pronouns if you want to disclose them

Editing your Profile Page and Adding Pronouns

  • Go to your LibGuides editor homepage (not a specific guide)
  • Click the edit symbol (the little pencil) on your profile box there
    An image of a profile box with the edit option highlighted
  • If you want to add pronouns you can do so while editing the profile box. The option is under Title/Pronouns/Image
    Screenshot of the Title/Pronouns/Image section of the profile editor. Pronouns are listed as the second option on the list.
  • Once you have clicked that you will see a "Profile Box" tab and a "Profile Page" tab with fields listed clearly. You can edit accrodingly, but keep in mind that the "Profile Page" is where your statement lives and this will not show in your box. This is for the public view when a patron clicks on "By Librarian."

How to Add the "Need Help? Contact Us!" Box

The "Need Help? Contact Us!" box should always be mapped from the Tool Box. This is so that once a change is made to the box in the Tool Box it is correctly reflected on all guides. There shouldn't be a need to edit this box on an individual level as we want it to be cohesive across all guides.

See the "Adding Mapped Boxes" page on this guide for information on how to map to the "Need Help? Contact Us!" box.

Division Head; Education, Consultation & Reference Services

Profile Photo
Ingrid Hendrix
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 216e